Full_Name: Quanah Gibson-Mount Version: RE24 OS: NA URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
ldap_get_dn(3) states that when using the ldap_explode_rdn function, ldap_value_free can be used to free the results. However, ldap_value_free is deprecated.
Making things worse, it is suggested that the replacement for ldap_value_free is ldap_value_free_len. ldap_value_free_len expects a bval array, whereas ldap_explode_rdn returns a char* array.
Finally, if you look at the actual OpenLDAP library code, what is done there is:
vv = ldap_explode_rdn( values[ n ], 0 ); LDAP_VFREE( vv );
#define LDAP_VFREE(v) (ber_memvfree_x((void **)(v),NULL))
so NEITHER ldap_value_free NOR ldap_value_free_len are even used when using the ldap_explode_rdn function.