Full_Name: John Hewson Version: 2.4.35 OS: OS X 10.8.4 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I can't install liblmdb on OS X because its Makefile assumes that cp can handle multiple source files, rather than the basic POSIX cp, which can't. This leads to the situation on OS X where:
cp source1 source2 dest
throws an error.
The breaks the LMDB Makefile, because its install attempts to do:
ILIBS = liblmdb.a liblmdb.so ... cp $(IPROGS) $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin
Most makefiles I've encountered use a for loop for copying multiple files, so the fix for the Makefile is to change `install` to:
install: $(ILIBS) $(IPROGS) $(IHDRS) for f in $(IPROGS); do cp $$f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/bin; done for f in $(ILIBS); do cp $$f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/lib; done for f in $(IHDRS); do cp $$f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/include; done for f in $(IDOCS); do cp $$f $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)/man/man1; done Then LMDB builds and installs successfully on OS X.