Full_Name: Andrew Rucker Jones Version: 2.4.6 OS: Linux URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
I just upgraded from a working 2.3.39 installation to 2.4.6 without making changes, but slapd does not start. Upon further investigation, i found that slaptest claims my slapd.conf is clean, but slapd -d 100 says that sasl-host is already set. That is, in my slapd.conf, i set sasl-host once and only once, but slapd comes across that lines and claims that sasl-host had already been set before that. Looking at the code, it seems that lines 354-358 in config.c (servers/slapd/) fails to accurately check whether or not something with the ARG_UNIQUE flag has really already been set from the configuration file.
Commenting out the sasl-host line in slapd.conf lets slapd start, but i assume from looking at bconfig.c that the value of sasl-host is wrong.