Full_Name: Sebastian Zerbe Version: 2.4.23-7 OS: Debian GNU/Linux 6.0 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/sebastian-zerbe-110309.tar.gz Submission from: (NULL) (
Trying to modify the local schema cn={5}philfak,cn=schema,cn=config with the given ldif-file modify_phil_schema.ldif using "ldapmodify -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f modify_phil_schema.ldif" results in a slapd crash with kernel log entries like these:
[3451954.217075] slapd[2593]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp ae5f9910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000] [3451972.088717] slapd[5716]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp b1bfe910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000] [3452718.916547] slapd[5830]: segfault at 70 ip 080bd73f sp b1992910 error 4 in slapd[8048000+11b000]
Further debugging is nearly impossible. If slapd is running in gdb it does not crash (but the modifications do not take place either)...