Full_Name: Marco Pizzoli Version: 2.4.33 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, I think this could be considered an RFE.
During a full syncreplication I can't populate the memberOf attribute of some entries because they are not (yet) present in the replicated tree.
The error is quite clear by looking at the logs during the full syncreplication.,
"conn=-1 op=0: memberof_value_modify DN=<my_user_DN> add memberOf=<my_group_DN> failed err=32
The problem doesn't occur on all user entries, because some of them are replicated before the group which include them (as member, of course).
I would like to be assured that a full sync-replication can go smooth by populating the memberOf attribute on all entries.
Thanks in advance Marco