Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: 2.4.16 OS: URL: http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200906/msg00021.html Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
The referred openldap-software message says:
From: Howard Chu hyc@symas.com
dncachesize must always be >= cachesize
This is not documented, neither in manpage nor admin guide.
Also slapd should preferably catch attempts to set them wrong, and either adjust them or fail the change. That's so for many config options, but more important for interactions between options.
If that's fixed by adjusting the input values, then cachesize configuration can be simplified for users: Given cachesize, calculate the recommended defaults for the other cache size variables (idlcachesize, dncachesize, cachefree). Keep the real variables used by the backend separate, copied/defaulted from input variables that are set by cn=config and not defaulted.