hyc@symas.com writes:
h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no wrote:
I'll be upgrading back-null a bit. At the moment just support for Back-config, Modify-Increment Extension and empty rootpw.
Maybe grow it to a useful template of a nontrivial backend later (after I learn how to write that), with access control, referrals, various extensions... Might be almost-unused and thus subject to code rot, but less so than documentation of the backend API. (...)
I don't believe back-null should ever handle access controls or referrals.
OK. However it shouldn't need to _handle_ referrals, since it can have no referral objects. I think the complete implementation would be to set SLAP_BFLAG_REFERRALS and LDAP_CONTROL_MANAGEDSAIT in the init function. Assuming the default_referral code in BDB which neither of us understand (ITS#5339) is unnecessary.
SLAP_BFLAG_INCREMENT and (I think) LDAP_CONTROL_X_PERMISSIVE_MODIFY can be set without needing any extra code, and LDAP_CONTROL_NOOP will need one line for the update functions.
It shouldn't have any config options at all, really.
Does that mean I shouldn't add back-config support either?
I do find "bind on" useful. And it would be convenient to accept and ignore the "directory" option, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for a minimal back-bdb/back-ldif config.
My current motivation is nothing major, just to push back-null through "cd tests/ && ./run -b null all".
Create some other backend if you want a dummy template that shows how all the other APIs are tied in.
OK. Just need to think of something for it to do...