Full_Name: Jiří Netolický Version: 2.4.30 OS: Linux - Gentoo URL: Submission from: (NULL) (2001:1a48:5:3::3)
Slapo-ppolicy manual page says: pwdMinLength: ..this attribute contains the minimum number of characters that will be accepted in a password
But it seems that the code not chcount number of characters but number of bytes. I set pwdMinLength to value 8. When I used password with only ascii characters everything works great. But when I use a two-byte UTF-8 character in password it count this one character as two. For example when I use password "babička" which is 7 characters length but the UTF-8 representation is 8 bytes (0x62 0x61 0x62 0x69 0xc4 0x8d 0x6b 0x61). This password is accepted although the policy forces 8 characters min.length. I think the only soulution is correct the manual page the pwdMinLength count bytes not characters. Because userPassword attribute is binary, in my opinion we should not assume that the password encoding is UTF8 to easy count characters.