Full_Name: Sergey Z Version: LMDB_0.9.19 OS: Android URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (2620:119:5001:2242:9215:2763:ff1b:ae35)
Hey guys,
We are using LMDB 0.9.19 in our Android project and sometimes we are getting SIGBUS in mdb_page_touch(). We can't reproduce this issue on our side but we have plenty of crash reports from our users (about 400 daily):
SIGBUS libLMDBAndroid.so.mdb_page_touch ( mdb .c :2412) libLMDBAndroid.so.mdb_page_search ( mdb .c :5610) libLMDBAndroid.so.mdb_freelist_save ( mdb .c :3128) libLMDBAndroid.so.mdb_txn_commit ( mdb .c :3606)
This is probably a platform specific issue because 95% of crashes happened on Android 7.0.
I would greatly appreciate if you help to shed a light on this - any ideas what might goes wrong or what might cause such an issue.
Thank you, Sergey