Full_Name: David Wilson Version: HEAD OS: URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Since the me_txn0 heap allocation is cached across write transactions, when any write transaction fails with MDB_MAP_FULL and causes MDB_TXN_ERROR to be set in me_txn0->mt_flags, it becomes impossible to try another write transaction without reopening the environment, since that bit is never unset anywhere.
A simple way to trigger this is attempting to put any value larger than the map size, at which point the environment will always return MDB_BAD_TXN for subsequent write transactions.
While MAP_FULL and insufficient validation of input by the application are pretty show-stopper issues already, I doubt wedging the environment state is the most robust response LMDB could muster in this case.
It seems MDB_TXN_ERROR wants to be unset in either mdb_txn_abort() or mdb_txn_reset0(). Taking into account the possibility of a parent write transaction also existing, I'm not sure where and how exactly the bit should be unset.