On Mon, Dec 08, 2008 at 09:01:44PM +0000, quanah@zimbra.com wrote:
Full_Name: Andrew Findlay Version: HEAD 2008-12-05 OS: SuSE 10.2 URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
Section 7.2.5 Access Control Examples says: ... Also note that if no access to directive matches or no by <who> clause, access is denied. That is, every access to directive ends with an implicit by * none clause and every access list ends with an implicit access to * by * none directive.
The statement about access *lists* ending with a deny directive is wrong (or at least misleading).
I think it is quite clear:
The structure of the access control directives is
... Lists of access directives are evaluated in the order they appear in slapd.conf.
Each <who> clause list is implicitly terminated by a
by * none stop
So, there are acl directives where each directive is an element of a list. Every element of a list of acl directives is terminated by * none stop.
That is not the aspect that worries me here. The statement in 7.2.5 agrees with what you say about individual directives.
I am concerned about the behaviour of complete access *lists*. For example, if my global acccess list says:
access to * by * read
and the access list for a BDB database holding the suffix 'dc=example,dc=org' says:
access to dn.exact="cn=nonesuch,dc=example,dc=org" by users read
(i.e. it is very restrictive and does not give ANON anything)
In this case the statement in 7.2.5 implies that ANON should not be able to read dc=example,dc=org but tests show that it can. Changing the global access list to:
access to * by users read
prevents ANON from reading dc=example,dc=org and thus proves that the per-database access list does not end with 'by * none stop' (but the complete list including the global section does).
Sections 7.2.4 and 7.3.4 describe this behaviour rather better, but do not mention the default-deny that gets appended to a non-empty access list.