Full_Name: Marshall Buschman Version: 2.4.17 OS: Debian Etch URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using OpenLDAP 2.4.17 with bdb 4.7 Debian Lenny. I've enabled the autogroup overlay, and I get the following error when I do an ldapsearch:
$ ldapsearch -x -H "ldap://ldapserver" -b dc=cashnetusa,dc=com # extended LDIF ... # search result search: 2 result: 53 Server is unwilling to perform text: operation not supported within namingContext
Relevant config: ---------------------------------------------- moduleload autogroup
database bdb suffix "dc=cashnetusa,dc=com"
overlay autogroup autogroup-attrset groupOfURLs memberURL member ----------------------------------------------
OpenLDAP does start normally without the overlay.