Full_Name: Eric R. Monson Version: git 3fe9678baa1be8067e7e0bbb94007a096952e62c OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
The lack of a mapsize option available in mdb_load can make it inconvenient to load datasets. This is particularly true when you are using the plaintext format specified by '-T', since it has no header you could add an appropriate mapsize to. My patch resolves this by adding a mapsize option ('-m') which can be used to manually specify a mapsize of your choosing, overriding both the default and any value specified in the header of the database you're loading.
The patch also modifies the man page for mdb_load to reflect the new functionality. I don't know if the code is good enough for inclusion, but I figured providing my solution was better than nothing.
I, Eric Monson, hereby place the following modifications to OpenLDAP Software (and only these modifications) into the public domain. Hence, these modifications may be freely used and/or redistributed for any purpose with or without attribution and/or other notice.