Full_Name: Fawad Lateef Version: 2.4.10 OS: Ubuntu URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/fawadlateef-contrib-updopstoweb-080714.tgz Submission from: (NULL) (
Contributing an overlay which submits modification in LDAP to a web-page through libcurl.
Description: ------------
This package contains a slapd overlay, updopstoweb, that provides support for monitoring add/modify/delete operations performed on LDAP and sends the information related to operation going to be performed on LDAP to a web-site through libcurl api. It also provides support for specifying an IP address which will not be monitored, e.g. if you want to monitor operations from remote system then you can specify local-host IP and then it will ignore local-host operations.
Monitoring of operations is based on dn, attributes and object classes which are provided through entries in slapd.conf file. Web-site URL and IP address for ignoring operations from are also provided to overlay through slapd.conf file. Although all these parameters can be provided at run-time through back-config.
The overlay is tested on openldap-2.4.10 although it can work on any version of openldap-2.4
For details please consult README provided in the package