Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
One problem with back-config is that comments in slapd.conf are lost when converting to cn=config, and cn=config does not offer attributes in which to put comments. So I suggest:
Add something like 'MAY ( description $ info )' to object class olcConfig, and slapd.conf keywords with the same name. description to describe the slapd entry, info for other notes about it.
The slapd.conf keywords would allow admins to "upgrade" most comments in slapd.conf before converting to cn=config. They'll need to insert any context into the comments though, and preferably move frontend directives with comments in slapd.conf to an explicit frontend database.
I think it'd be best if these attribute names do not have a prefix like "olc", so they'll stand out a bit from the rest. Thus the suggestion to stick to preexisting RFCed attributes. However the attribute for general notes ('info') should probably be treated as X-ORDERED 'VALUES', I haven't checked if it's inconvenient to do that with a preexisting attribute without that feature. The valsort overlay does, but I don' suggest to require valsort.