hyc@symas.com wrote:
Oren Laadan wrote:
It shows enough; back-meta is hanging waiting for responses from some other LDAP server. This is a pretty bad configuration; you should not use back-meta (or back-ldap) to redirect queries back into the same slapd. You should use back-relay instead.
I'm not quite sure why having the server query itself is such a bad idea. Can you please explain ?
Any request then occupies a minimum of two slapd threads - one for back-meta itself, and one for the extra inbound query. If you misconfigure the meta URIs then you get into an infinite loop, which consumes all of the available slapd threads.
Let me add that, moreover, any request is re-encoded as an LDAP request, sent to itself, re-decoded and re-processed by slapd. Back-relay directly relies the original, decoded request to another database, within the same thread. So it saves at least 3 resource-consuming steps-
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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