Full_Name: Michael Ströder Version: HEAD OS: Linux URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
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$ ./run -b bdb test030 Cleaning up test run directory leftover from previous run. Running ./scripts/test030-relay for bdb... running defines.sh
Testing virtual naming context mapping with relay ldap meta backend(s)...
Using relay backend...
Starting slapd on TCP/IP port 9011... Using ldapsearch to check that slapd is running... Using ldapadd to populate the database... Searching base="dc=example,dc=com"... Searching base="o=Example,c=US"... Searching base="o=Esempio,c=IT"... Searching base="o=Beispiel,c=DE"... Modifying database "o=Beispiel,c=DE"... Modifying database "o=Example,c=US"... Searching base="o=Example,c=US"... Searching base="o=Esempio,c=IT"... Searching filter="(objectClass=referral)" attrs="'*' ref" base="dc=example,dc=com"... base="o=Example,c=US"... base="o=Esempio,c=IT"... Searching filter="(seeAlso=cn=all staff,ou=Groups,o=Example,c=US)" attrs="seeAlso" base="o=Example,c=US"... Searching filter="(uid=example)" attrs="uid" base="o=Example,c=US"... Searching filter="(member=cn=Another Added Group,ou=Groups,o=Example,c=US)" attrs="member" base="o=Example,c=US"... Filtering ldapsearch results... Filtering original ldif used to create database... Comparing filter output... Changing password to database "o=Example,c=US"... Passwd ExOp failed (1)!