On 10/16/08 8:12 AM, wrote:
The ITS is polluted by issues opened, considered by developers, and pending feedback since ever. I suggest the ITS automatically closes issues not fed back after a reasonable amount of time. Closed issues can always be re-opened if issueers wake up and respond.
As a user... I would completely agree with this and suggest that 30 days is a "reasonable amount of time"
Although I try to keep up with testing sometimes 30 days could be a little bit short.
Anyway I wonder what the state "Feedback" really means. I've checked if there are still open issues in this state submitted by me. The only one seems to be ITS#5574, but I can't resolve this since assigning the official OID needed in this case is not something I can do. I could only test something and give feedback.
Ciao, Michael.