olivier.chirossel@sfr.com wrote:
I have to migrate from a openldap 2.3.x to openldap 2.4. During this migration phase i want my openldap 2.3.x master replicate with slurpd to my new openldap 2.4.x master mirror mode architecture with some rewriting rules for split my big directory.
I configure a proxy ldap using back-ldap with slapo-rwm overlay, but operational attributes related to entry creation and modification are proxied, even when i put « lastmod off » in the conf, contrary of the man of slapd-ldap
So i put rw-map directives in the conf for strip operationnal attributes but this kind of operation generate a core dump
Your configuration contains a load of custom schema items; can you create a simple configuration, based on standard attributes, that reproduces the problem (I mean: the sigsegv), and describe which operation is causing it? Is it a client operation or replication? In your report you mention the intention to use "master mirror mode" (?), it's not clear what back-ldap has to do with it.