Full_Name: Jorge Nevado Version: 2.4.7 OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I have seen an extrange behaviour when an overlay is used with the config backend.
I developed an overlay and use it over the config backend and over another developed backedend (this last just for testing). (I need to update some backend data when the schema controlled by the config backend changes, so I used an overlay for that purpose) In such situations, the overlay is not added to the config backend in the ldap tree, which look as follows: cn=config - cn= schema - cn={0}core - olcDatabase={-1}frontend - olcDatabase={0}config - olcDatabase={-1}ndb_pl + olcoverlay={0}ndbover
But when I run traffic on the config suffix (i.e. LDAP operations on the schema) I see that the overlay is really working, although it is not added to the ldap tree (the overlay is added through the .conf file)
Is this a bug? is it the normal behaviour (in file bconfig.c, function config_back_db_open it expects the config backend as the first backend, without overlay)?, but in normal traffic the overlay is invoked, which seems extrange to me.
Thanks in advance, Jorge.