javed_ansari@infosys.com wrote:
Full_Name: Javed Ansari Version: 2.3.30 OS: Sun URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Since yesterday, we are facing LDAP problems while insertion of data. When we try to insert data in the ldap we get the following error:
[LDAP: error code 80 - entry store failed]
There however seems to be no problem with the login though, this occurs only during registration
You seem to be a little bit too confident on our capability to predict the server's behavior based on a very limited amount of information. Based on the accuracy of your issue report, all I can tell is that you seem to have a problem.
Please follow guidelines at http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/56.html and provide a decent issue report.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it --------------------------------------- Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ---------------------------------------