Full_Name: Ali Pouya Version: 2.4.8 OS: Linux 2.6 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, I'm testing the back-meta of OpenLdap 2.4.8 in order to upgrade to this release. My client opens a persistent LDAP connection to slapd, binds with an ordinary account (from the local back-bdb) and begins search operations.
I notice that if a search operation results in an LDAP error (for example error 32 : No Such Object), then back-meta opens a new connection to the target directory for the next operation, leaving the "bad" connection open.
The conn-ttl and idle-timeout parameters do not close the "bad" connections. These connections remain there until the client ends its connection.
This saturates the target servers with unused idle connections.
Is this a bug or a normal behaviour ?
I precise that The behaviour is not the same if the client binds with rootdn.
Thanks for your help Best regards Ali