Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD OS: URL: http://folk.uio.no/hbf/OpenLDAP/limits.txt Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
I want to give part of a database different limits than the rest.
Here a suggested patch, currently a quick hack for inspection. It gives ".this" and ".self" modifiers to "dn" in the "limits" keyword:
limits dn[.this | .self][.exact | .base | ...] ...
"Self" is default and matches the specified DN against the bound DN. "This" matches against the base DN of the search. (Keywords chosen from "this"/"self" in set ACLs, since names like "base" are taken.)
This needs an API change: Currently slapd/limits.c:limits_gets() takes the bound DN as an argument. The change needs a function which fetches the bound or examined DN from the Operation structure.
Is it OK to just remove the DN argument and make the function static, so any existing binaries that call it won't silently get the changed API? Slapd doesn't call this function anywhere.