Full_Name: Arunkumar shanmugam Version: 2.4.29 OS: rhel5 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm currently using Openldap 2.4.29 to model an Authorization platform. I noticed some inconsistent behavior with syncrepl and memberof overlays.
The issue happens as follows:
If I Create groups with a large number of members and delete them in quick succession on the writemaster, the data replicated to the readslave is incorrect, in particular, the memberof fields of the User objects.
This seems to happen because the memberof field is getting replicated to the slave nodes, although the documentation states that it shouldn't. While replicating, the User object is replicated inclusive of the memberof fields, but by the time the syncrepl search comes to the group object, it has already been deleted, and hence not replicated. This leaves a dangling memberof field in the read slave instance.
I was wondering if anyone has faced this issues (I did not see any ITS related to this), and has a workaround.
Thanks, Arunkumar