Domagoj Babic wrote:
Heh, there are no free rides - you would like to get the reports, but you are not ready to give anything in return.
I think in return we already give OpenLDAP software. That should be enough, IMHO. If the internet were made by narrow-minded persons like you (I guess it's not just you, there might be some company's policy behind), you wouldn't even have been able to contact us by email, because email wouldn't have existed, not to mention the rest.
Years of research have been invested in Calysto (and its sub-parts, like Spear theorem prover),
Same on OpenLDAP, not to mention the rest.
running checks takes significant computational resources,
Same as above.
and finally, I spend significant amounts of my own time
Same as above.
filtering and pre-analyzing the reports for you.
I asked for only two things: prompt feedback
and you got it.
and adding logo to the web page.
That's not allowed by the foundation's charter.
That's not _really_ a marketing request. Anyways, doesn't matter, there are plenty of other projects out there willing to collaborate.
You started this, no one invited you. Feel free to leave.
I believe he said the project is not interested in receiving plain reports just for the purpose of debugging Calysto
Quid pro quo. I help you debug your code.
Well, so what would be your interest in our project? If you offer me something I guess you do it for some purpose.
I respect everyone's time and don't want to waste it with piles of false positives. The focus of much of research related to Calysto is to make it as precise as possible, meaning that there are already few false positives, and there will be even fewer in the future.
You see, you need our feedback to debug your product.
Anyway I think with this series of greedy public messages you gave good advertising to your project. I wish you tons of customers.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA --------------------------------------- Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: ---------------------------------------