Full_Name: Bill MacAllister Version: 2.4.19+ OS: Debian 5 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
We are using OpenLDAP 2.4.19 with a patch for ITS6334. We are using libhoard for memory management. The backend database is bdb 4.8.
We are seeing slapd memory usage grow until all of the memory on the system is consumed. Our database has a bit over 500,000 dns. The cache values we are using are:
cachesize 200000 dncachesize 0 idlcachesize 200000
On a test server with 16 bg of memory, 14.7 consumed by slapd we see:
ldapsearch -b cn=monitor + | grep -i cache olmBDBEntryCache: 115 olmBDBDNCache: 519795 olmBDBIDLCache: 60510
I have tried running slapd under valgrind and when the server is shutdown valgrind does not report any memory leaks. It appears that slapd allocates the memory, remembers it has allocated it, and does not use it.