Full_Name: Marin Le Houelleur Version: 2.3.32 OS: Linux RH5.1 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Working for one year now with this version of Openldap. I come to the point I need to glue different branch of my master to the slaves to manage complexe filtering that I'm unable to manage with overlay syncrepl filters
Master : 1 db database bdb suffix dc=exemple,dc=com It contains following ou's : sites, applis and orgz sites itselfs contains site1, site2... and may contain more which should not be replicated to other sites overlay synchrorepl
Slaves (1 per site) : 2 dbs database bdb suffix ou=sites,dc=exemple,dc=com synchrepl rid=111 searchbase ou=sites,dc=exemple,dc=com filter="(ou:dn:=site1)"
database bdb suffix dc=exemple,dc=com synchrepl rid=222 searchbase dc=exemple,dc=com filter="(|(ou:dn:=orgz)(ou:dn:=applis))" overlay glue glue-sub ou=sites,dc=exemple,dc=com
@ slapd start the directive glue-sub is ignored I tried on the first db to had directive "subordinate advertise" instead but it's documented not to be needed when using glue overlay. Nevertheless the 1st db is synchronised and searchable but not visible in tools such as ldapbrowser.
best regards,