Full_Name: Mark Cairney Version: 2.4.25 OS: RHEL 5.5 x64 URL: ftp://ftp.ed.ac.uk/incoming/Mark-Cairney-110610.zip Submission from: (NULL) (
During provisioning using Grouper (http://www.internet2.edu/grouper) to populate a tree of ou and posixGroup objects it looks like the request to create a child OU is being issued and granted. This results in the creation of a "ghost" parent OU with the glue objectClass as documented but syncrepl then constantly tries and fails to provision the ghost OU to the other servers (as shown in alderlog.txt).
My cn=config is listed in cnconfig.txt for reference
The issue can be reproduced by running Grouper's LDAP provisioner with Grouper configured to produce a "bushy" structure and it may also be reproduceable if provisioning via a suitable large LDIF file (grouper.ldif).