Full_Name: Nikolay Bogdanov Version: 2.4.23 OS: Debian/Ubuntu URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/sysinfo.txt Submission from: (NULL) (
Dear ñolleagues, We used open ldap for three years. But some weeks ago we disided to restructurate our LDAP server. We did it, but there are a lot of users in the company. So we enabled the "rwm" overlay and added "oldDn" field in a schema. Futhermore, we use "memberof" overlay. As a result users can bind with their old dn. But after that slapd stops with deadlock everyday. What can you advice for us? And what information should we provide to solve this problem? (strace, gdb log, db_stat or something else?) With best regards, Nikolay Bogdanov. CJSC Flant.