Full_Name: Chang Hong Sun Version: 2.4.23 OS: SuSe Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi All,
I've installed OpenLdap 2.4.23 in SUSE Linux, and find that: 1) The OpenLdap supports the SSHA Hash Algorithm by default: could import or accept the creation of the Users with the {SSHA}/{SHA} Hashed userPassword. 2) The OpenLdap provides a command "slappasswd" to generate the hashed password, while it seems that it is not able to generate the password by the OpenLdap server automatically: after I created a user without Hashed userPassword, I checked the data and found that the password keep unchanged and hasn't been Hashed.
My question is: Is it possible to make some configuration, so that the OpenLdap server could automatically transfer the userPassword to Hashed format?
Thanks and Best Regards, Sun Chang Hong