Full_Name: Frederik Bosch Version: openldap_2.4.11-1+lenny1 OS: debian URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Problem Description: using InnoDB as MySQL table engine prevents records from updating. This is due to the autocommit=0 implementation in InnoDB. There are two possible solutions.
1. Execute COMMIT before every SELECT statement 2. Disable autocommit
My suggestion is to use the latter one by adding a configuration option for slapd.conf to enable autocommit. Something like disable_autocommit no|yes, which defaults to yes (current implementation).
Perhaps, this will have issues for write mode (INSERT), but this backend is intended for read only usage, isn't it? My C knowledge is too limited to add a patch myself.
More details can be found in pasted mailing list thread.