h.b.furuseth@usit.uio.no wrote:
rra@stanford.edu writes:
Specifically, the workaround is to compile the code with the upstream libtool instead of with Debian's libtool, since upstream libtool imports all module symbols into the global namespace. Debian's libtool has been modified to not do this because it causes all sorts of other problems in the general case, but not doing this breaks the meta backend because it wants to reference symbols from the bdb backend.
s/bdb/ldap/. Sounds like a fix would be to build back-ldap statically instead of dynamically on Debian if back-meta is built too.
The reason back-meta uses code from back-ldap is that they share a lot of features. Probably, they could be moved into slapd, since they might be useful in other (proxy-related) future modules? That would be a lot of reworking, though.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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