Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD OS: URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
The usn overlay:
- Has init function usn_init instead of usn_initialize.
- Won't start, the attributes need a SYNTAX slapd knows and USAGE directoryOperation after NO-USER-MODIFICATION.
- Modifies sr->sr_entry in usn_operational() instead of putting the attribute in rs->sr_operational_attrs. See back-bdb/operational.c for an example.
Note, backend.c says /* NOTE: backend_operational() is also called * when returning results, so it's supposed * to do no harm to entries */ which presumably means something more than just having to dup the entry and set MUSTBEFREED, since otherwise that comment applies to much more than just backend_operational().
In fact, usn_operational() has some misindented code if ( !a ) { for ( ap = &rs->sr_operational_attrs; *ap; ap=&(*ap)->a_next );
a = attr_alloc( ad_usnChanged ); *ap = a; } which looks like it does something closer to that.
- When I tried to slapadd some entires (using Octet String syntax) only the first entry got an USN.
Oh well, this wasn't what I was supposed to be doing today. I'm just patching the overlay blindly for some other things (ITS#6758).