Full_Name: luben karavelov Version: 2.4.18 - HEAD OS: Debian Linux URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
Hello, I have 2 running slapd servers for load balancing. The 2 instances are configured with back-sql and pcache overlay. Every 5-15 minutes one of the servers crashes.
The config could be found here: http://purgatory.spnet.net/~karavelov/slapd.conf.h2
A gdb session with the resulting core dump could be found here: http://purgatory.spnet.net/~karavelov/gdb1
Without proxycache overlay the servers does not crash in this manner.
The software tested is 1. slapd 2.4.18 with backported pcache.c from HEAD 2. slapd HEAD
I could provide more info, just ask.
Thanks in advance for help Luben