Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth Version: HEAD OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) ( Submitted by: hallvard
In HEAD slapd/daemon.c, thanks to HEAD's multiple listener support:
slap_listener() protects emfile with slap_daemon[0 ].sd_mutex, but slapd_remove() protects it with slap_daemon[id].sd_mutex.
Maybe to compensate, slapd_remove() has code which checks if emfile is too big, but nothing checks if it is too small - which looks like slapd might never start listening again.
Simplest fix: add this to slapd_remove():
if (id) ldap_pvt_thread_mutex_<lock,unlock>( &slap_daemon[0].sd_mutex );
slap_daemon[0].sd_mutex looks quite contended that way, though. Maybe a separate emfile_mutex is better.