Full_Name: Quanah Gibson-Mount Version: 2.3.39 OS: NA URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/idlcache-bug.tar.gz Submission from: (NULL) (
While testing heavy account provisioning using multiple threads to create accounts in an OpenLDAP server, we discovered that the idl cache fails to properly update, making searches for successfully added accounts fail to find them. Setting the idlcachesize to zero resolved the search problem, indicating an issue inside the idl cache code.
Zimbra bug is here:
Description: ============ - OpenLDAP build: openldap-2.3.39 - 20 concurrent threads are ADDing (distinct) entries in a loop under a common base DN. - It seems intermittently upon DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK errors, the integrity of indexes are broken for a period of time even after the ADD returns a good code(err=0). Search filtered on an indexed attribute of the newly ADDed entry cannot be found. If the same query is done again later, it did find the entry. - This seems to happen only after "many" DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK errors. The search failure usually happens after 20 to 80 iterations into the loop, while the deadlock error would start happening since earlier iterations.
Notes on info in attached slapd.log: ==================================== 1. The described test started on line 996.
2. Line 25510 shows the ADD Dec 20 14:45:51 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2235 op=1 ADD dn="uid=a-120-thread-3,ou=people,dc=test-accounts-20071220-143806,dc=ldaptest"
3. Line 25542 shows the ADD was successful Dec 20 14:45:52 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2235 op=1 RESULT tag=105 err=0 text=
This entry should contain (among other attributes): objectClass: zimbraAccount zimbraId: be0b628b-b8d1-4fce-99cd-7b7f6864149a
4. Line 25549 - 25550 shows the search on that zimbraId returned 0 entry: Dec 20 14:45:52 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2235 op=2 SRCH base="" scope=2 deref=3 filter="(&(zimbraId=be0b628b-b8d1-4fce-99cd-7b7f6864149a)(objectClass=zimbraAccount))" Dec 20 14:45:52 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2235 op=2 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=0 text=
5. Later, the same search(as in 3) was attempted. Line 25756 - 25757 shows the same query did find one entry this time: Dec 20 14:48:25 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2250 op=1 SRCH base="" scope=2 deref=3 filter="(&(zimbraId=be0b628b-b8d1-4fce-99cd-7b7f6864149a)(objectClass=zimbraAccount))" Dec 20 14:48:25 phoebe slapd[209]: conn=2250 op=1 SEARCH RESULT tag=101 err=0 nentries=1 text=
6. As shown in the log, there was no MOD or anything on DN dn="uid=a-120-thread-3,ou=people,dc=test-accounts-20071220-143806,dc=ldaptest" between 3 and 4.
7. Other info: - zimbraId is an indexed attribute. see slapd.conf. - Note, the test stops when it encounters the first failed search after a successful create.
slapd.conf and slapd.log files are on the OpenLDAP ftp server as: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/idlcache-bug.tar.gz