Full_Name: Gihan De Silva Version: 2.4.44 OS: 7.5 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Dear Sir/ Madam,
We are having two OpenLDAP servers on production with master master data synchronization. We are facing an incident where both servers consume memory upto 99% and LDAP server2 leads to not responding state.
As a workaround we have restart both OpenLDAP nodes. However after few days the memory goes high at its peak.
There are about 100k+ requests for one LDAP server per day. where both servers are identical in terms of 16 GB RAM, 4 CPUs, CentOS7 OS and LDAP server 2.4.44. We didnt observe any suspiciuos errors in the logs as well.
Appreciate your valued consultation and recomendations on this incident for a RCA and a solution.
Thank You
Regards, Gihan.