Full_Name: Jan Rekorajski Version: 2.4.17 OS: Linux PLD URL: http://sith.mimuw.edu.pl/~baggins/openldap/openldap-auditlog-modify.patch Submission from: (NULL) (2001:6a0:1:b001::2)
In auditlog overlay the same variable is used to print what command and what modify operations are executed, resulting in somewhat mismatched logs.
# modify 1252272953 dn: dc=example,dc=com changetype: modify replace: contextCSN contextCSN: 20090828130628.442551Z#000000#001#000000 - # end replace 1252272953 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ should read: # end modify 1252272953
I provided a patch to fix this at http://sith.mimuw.edu.pl/~baggins/openldap/openldap-auditlog-modify.patch