Full_Name: HsuenJu Ko Version: 2.4.46 OS: VOS URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
A multi-threaded test case using C API experiences a hang involving cancel operation. One thread which performs cancel operation hangs waiting for a mutex(ld_conn_mutex) in ldap_send_initial_request while the other thread is performing ldap_result loop waiting for the result of search operation. The same mutex is held by wait4msg() across the ldap_int_select() call. It appears that before the ITS#6672 is installed, the ld_conn_mutex is unlocked before the ldap_int_select() and after the ITS#6672 the unlock is moved after ldap_int_select() which causes the thread performing the cancel to hang until ldap_result returns. By holding this mutex across select(), then all other threads needing the mutex are frozen until this select completes.