dyxyd_dyd@yahoo.com wrote:
Full_Name: Adrian Version: 2.3 OS: Win XP Prof sp2 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
i have a huge problem with my openldap database. Even though db_recover doesn't indicate nothing wrong in my id2entry.bdb file, i couldn't start slapd.
This is a database from a client of mine who couldn't tell me more exactly what happened.
All i know is that id2entry.bdb is corrupt in some way. Only this file is corrupt, as I tried to start slapd with all other files and an older "id2entry.bdb".
db_recover couldnt do anything.
Is there any other recovery tool I could use to resuscitate this file, maybe to localize the corrupt places in the file and somehow remove them or fix them?
Have yoy ever had this problem?
Thanks a lot
Your message does not contain enough useful information to configure as a bug report (OpenLDAP version, Berkeley BDB version, cause of issue, anything logged by slapd, ...). Please direct software usage questions to the openldap-software list.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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