Full_Name: Dieter Kluenter Version: HEAD OS: Linux x86_64 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi, test036 fails constantly with following error: ... Using ldapsearch to retrieve all the entries... Filtering ldapsearch results... Filtering original ldif used to create database... Comparing filter output... comparison failed - slapd-meta search/modification didn't succeed
diff -i ldapsearch.flt ldif.flt > diff.out
dn: cn=Dorothy Stevens,ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,o=Example,c=US objectClass: OpenLDAPperson cn: Dorothy Stevens cn: Dot Stevens sn: Stevens uid: dots title: Secretary, UM Alumni Association postalAddress: Alumni Association $ 111 Maple St $ Anytown, MI 48109 seeAlso: cn=All Staff,ou=Groups,o=Example,c=US drink: Lemonade homePostalAddress: 377 White St. Apt. 3 $ Anytown, MI 48104 description: Very tall facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 313 555 3223 telephoneNumber: +1 313 555 3664 mail: dots@mail.alumni.example.com homePhone: +1 313 555 0454
398,415d413 < dn: cn=snevetS yhtoroD,ou=Alumni Association,ou=People,o=Example,c=US < objectClass: OpenLDAPperson < cn: Dorothy Stevens < cn: Dot Stevens < cn: snevetS yhtoroD < sn: Stevens < uid: dots < title: Secretary, UM Alumni Association < postalAddress: Alumni Association $ 111 Maple St $ Anytown, MI 48109 < seeAlso: cn=All Staff,ou=Groups,o=Example,c=US < drink: Lemonade < homePostalAddress: 377 White St. Apt. 3 $ Anytown, MI 48104 < description: Very tall < facsimileTelephoneNumber: +1 313 555 3223 < telephoneNumber: +1 313 555 3664 < mail: dots@mail.alumni.example.com < homePhone: +1 313 555 0454 < 430d427