*** glibc detected *** ./sbin/slapcat: free(): invalid pointer:
^^^ this message is not quite informative, nor is what follows below. Please read carefully, and provide the information required.
Okay. I figured it was easy enough to recreate that I wouldn't need to build a full debug build myself, but looks like I need to do that anyway. Also, what is the best way to not get "strip" to be automatically invoked during "make install"? I ended up temporarily removing the binary just to get unstripped versions.
What about make STRIP="" install ?
Apart from the bug you manifest, which should not occur, I'd note that back-perl does not support slaptools, and thus no slaptool'ing should occur when using it. I can't debug this right now because I don't routinely build with back-perl.
My guess is that the bug should appear with any other glued backend that does not support tools (but I couldn't reproduce it using back-ldap, for example).
A (possible) workaround is to use
slapcat -a '(!(entryDN:dnSubtreeMatch:=ou=perl,dc=my-domain,dc=com))'
in order to exclude the subtree handled by back-perl.
(gdb) bt full #0 0x00007f18761dded5 in raise () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #1 0x00007f18761df3f3 in abort () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #2 0x00007f187621a3a8 in ?? () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #3 0x00007f187621f948 in ?? () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #4 0x00007f1876221a56 in free () from /lib/ No symbol table info available. #5 0x00007f1877296c52 in ber_memfree_x (p=0xa207b3, ctx=0x0) at memory.c:152 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "ber_memfree_x" #6 0x000000000044f785 in ch_free (ptr=0xa207b3) at ch_malloc.c:139 ctx = (void *) 0x0 #7 0x00000000004395e6 in entry_clean (e=0xa0bff8) at entry.c:489 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "entry_clean" #8 0x00000000004396ab in entry_free (e=0xa0bff8) at entry.c:514 No locals. #9 0x00000000004ae4e4 in glue_entry_release_rw (op=0x7fffe262a540, e=0xa0bff8, rw=0) at backglue.c:731 b0 = (BackendDB *) 0x7fffe262a2d0 rc = -1 #10 0x00000000004b0952 in overlay_entry_release_ov (op=0x7fffe262a540, e=0xa0bff8, rw=0, on=0x8997d0) at backover.c:421 oi = (slap_overinfo *) 0x8995f0 be = (BackendDB *) 0x89a510 db = {bd_info = 0x8997d0, bd_self = 0x89a510, be_ctrls = "\000\001\001\001\000\001\000\000\001\000\000\001\001\000\001", '\0' <repeats 17 times>, "\001", be_flags = 2328, be_restrictops = 0, be_requires = 0, be_ssf_set = {sss_ssf = 0, sss_transport = 0, sss_tls = 0, sss_sasl = 0, sss_update_ssf = 0, sss_update_transport = 0, sss_update_tls = 0, sss_update_sasl = 0, sss_simple_bind = 0}, be_suffix = 0x899270, be_nsuffix = 0x8992a0, be_schemadn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_schemandn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_rootdn = {bv_len = 30, bv_val = 0x899570 "cn=Manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com"}, be_rootndn = {bv_len = 30, bv_val = 0x8995c0 "cn=manager,dc=my-domain,dc=com"}, be_rootpw = {bv_len = 6, bv_val = 0x8993b0 "secret"}, be_max_deref_depth = 15, be_def_limit = { lms_t_soft = 3600, lms_t_hard = 0, lms_s_soft = 500, lms_s_hard = 0, lms_s_unchecked = -1, lms_s_pr = 0, lms_s_pr_hide = 0, lms_s_pr_total = 0}, be_limits = 0x0, be_acl = 0x0, be_dfltaccess = ACL_READ, be_update_ndn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, be_update_refs = 0x0, be_pending_csn_list = 0x8978c0, be_pcl_mutex = {__data = { __lock = 0, __count = 0, __owner = 0, __nusers = 0, __kind = 0, __spins = 0, __list = {__prev = 0x0, __next = 0x0}}, __size = '\0' <repeats 39 times>, __align = 0}, be_syncinfo = 0x0, be_pb = 0x0, be_cf_ocs = 0x7b8c00, be_private = 0x898a30, be_next = {stqe_next = 0x0}} bi = (BackendInfo *) 0x8995f0 rc = 32768 #11 0x00000000004b0ab2 in over_entry_release_rw (op=0x7fffe262a540, e=0xa0bff8, rw=0) at backover.c:463 oi = (slap_overinfo *) 0x8995f0 on = (slap_overinst *) 0x8997d0 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "over_entry_release_rw" #12 0x000000000043d3cf in be_entry_release_rw (op=0x7fffe262a540, e=0xa0bff8, rw=0) at backend.c:880 No locals. #13 0x00000000004b5c5b in slapcat (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe262a8e8) at slapcat.c:117 data = 0xa20c50 "dn: ou=perl,dc=my-domain,dc=com\nobjectClass: organizationalUnit\nobjectClass: top\nou: perl\nstructuralObjectClass: organizationalUnit\nentryUUID: 6438973e-d5c0-102e-9c05-81e0ba1bb1f2\ncreatorsName: cn=Man"... len = 388 e = (Entry *) 0xa0bff8 id = 3 rc = 0 op = {o_hdr = 0x0, o_tag = 0, o_time = 0, o_tincr = 0, o_bd = 0x898500, o_req_dn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, o_req_ndn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, o_request = {oq_add = {rs_modlist = 0x0, rs_e = 0x0}, oq_bind = {rb_method = 0, rb_cred = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rb_edn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rb_ssf = 0, rb_mech = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}}, oq_compare = {rs_ava = 0x0}, oq_modify = {rs_mods = {rs_modlist = 0x0, rs_no_opattrs = 0 '\0'}, rs_increment = 0}, oq_modrdn = {rs_mods = {rs_modlist = 0x0, rs_no_opattrs = 0 '\0'}, rs_deleteoldrdn = 0, rs_newrdn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_nnewrdn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_newSup = 0x0, rs_nnewSup = 0x0}, oq_search = {rs_scope = 0, rs_deref = 0, rs_slimit = 0, rs_tlimit = 0, rs_limit = 0x0, rs_attrsonly = 0, rs_attrs = 0x0, rs_filter = 0x0, rs_filterstr = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}}, oq_abandon = {rs_msgid = 0}, oq_cancel = {rs_msgid = 0}, oq_extended = {rs_reqoid = { bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_flags = 0, rs_reqdata = 0x0}, oq_pwdexop = {rs_extended = {rs_reqoid = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_flags = 0, rs_reqdata = 0x0}, rs_old = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_new = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, rs_mods = 0x0, rs_modtail = 0x0}}, o_abandon = 0, o_cancel = 0, o_groups = 0x0, o_do_not_cache = 0 '\0', o_is_auth_check = 0 '\0', o_dont_replicate = 0 '\0', o_acl_priv = ACL_NONE, o_nocaching = 0 '\0', o_delete_glue_parent = 0 '\0', o_no_schema_check = 0 '\0', o_no_subordinate_glue = 0 '\0', o_ctrlflag = '\0' <repeats 31 times>, o_controls = 0x0, o_authz = { sai_method = 0, sai_mech = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, sai_dn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, sai_ndn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, sai_ssf = 0, sai_transport_ssf = 0, sai_tls_ssf = 0, sai_sasl_ssf = 0}, o_ber = 0x0, o_res_ber = 0x0, o_callback = 0x0, o_ctrls = 0x0, o_csn = {bv_len = 0, bv_val = 0x0}, o_private = 0x0, o_extra = {slh_first = 0x0}, o_next = {stqe_next = 0x0}} progname = 0x55fc68 "slapcat" #14 0x00000000004090d3 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffe262a8e8) at main.c:403 i = 1 no_detach = 0 rc = 1 urls = 0x0 username = 0x0 groupname = 0x0 sandbox = 0x0 syslogUser = 160 g_argc = 1 g_argv = (char **) 0x7fffe262a8e8 configfile = 0x0 configdir = 0x0 serverName = 0x7fffe262c75e "slapcat" serverMode = 1 scp = (struct sync_cookie *) 0x0 scp_entry = (struct sync_cookie *) 0x0 debug_unknowns = (char **) 0x0 syslog_unknowns = (char **) 0x0 serverNamePrefix = 0x54076b "" l = 4223483 slapd_pid_file_unlink = 0 slapd_args_file_unlink = 0 firstopt = 1 __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ = "main" (gdb)
-- Mark Cave-Ayland - Senior Technical Architect PostgreSQL - PostGIS Sirius Corporation plc - control through freedom t: +44 870 608 0063
Sirius Labs: