Full_Name: Luben Karavelov Version: 2.4.11-CVS-HEAD OS: Linux URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Environment: We are trying to deploy openldap in a e-main and web hosting system for centralized management of authentication and configuration. The architecture is one DB server with all the information exposed to slapd server through views and two or three slapd servers for fail-over and load balancing. Each slapd is configured to cache positive and negative responses in bdb backend in order to speed up the LDAP queries (pcache overlay).
The Problem: Sometimes there appears a cache corruption : after some correct responses the server starts to reply like there is no such record. The corrupted record does not expire.
Tested versions: openldap 2.4.11 (Debian lenny), 2.4.15 (Debian sid), 2.4.17 (compiled from sources), CVS-HEAD bdb-4.2, bdb-4.6. bdb-4.7 unixodbc-2.2.14
Current configuration and details follow in next posts.