Full_Name: Eduardo Izaguirre Pazos Version: 2.4.7 OS: Solaris 10 URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
Hi all, we are using Openldap as a metadirectory against a couple of AD servers. The slapd server core dumps when a request of all attributes of one entry is issued. This is the output of the slapd server using the debug level -1:
/opt/openldap-2.4.7/libexec/slapd -d -1 -f /opt/openldap-2.4.7/etc/openldap/slapd.conf -h "ldap://"
and the output is:
<<< dnPretty: <cn=Eduardo Izaguirre Pazos,ou=SISTEMAS,ou=people,dc=gmv,dc=es> Assertion failed: ( nvals == NULL && (*a)->a_nvals == (*a)->a_vals ) || ( nvals != NULL && ( ( (*a)->a_vals == NULL && (*a)->a_nvals == NULL ) || ( (*a)->a_nvals != (*a)->a_vals ) ) ), file attr.c, line 480
The server wa compiled with the following configure:
./configure --prefix=/opt/openldap-2.4.7 --enable-cleartext --enable-crypt --enable-lmpasswd --enable-rewrite --enable-bdb --enable-ldap --enable-meta --with-tls --enable-proxycache --enable-rwm
Cheers and thanks in advance.