Full_Name: Michael Ströder Version: 2.4.25 OS: URL: Submission from: (NULL) (
slapd (serving as provider) crashes from time to time (several times today!) when a consumer has some problems. I suspect this is related to ITS#6922 and therefore I suspect that Howard's answer is again just "there is no issue".
The last lines in the logs always show that the consumer already sent an UNBIND and after that slapd dies with this failed assertion.
conn=1090 op=1 INTERM oid= conn=1090 op=2 UNBIND conn=1090 fd=112 closed connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! connection_read(112): no connection! slapd: daemon.c:942: slapd_clr_write: Assertion `((slap_daemon[id].sd_index[(s)]) != -1)' failed. /infraldap/sbin/start-slapd.sh: line 16: 28888 Aborted ${OPENLDAP_PREFIX}/libexec/slapd -h "ldap:// ldaps:// ldapi://%2ftmp%2finfraldap-socket????x-mod=0770" -d config,stats,stats2,sync -n slapd-e2-infra-ldap -u openldap -g openldap -f ${SLAPD_CONF}