Full_Name: Ryan Steele Version: 2.4.23 OS: Ubuntu Server 10.04 (Lucid) URL: ftp://ftp.openldap.org/incoming/ Submission from: (NULL) (
The smbk5pwd overlay (I tested with an older version and HEAD) seems to handle Daylight Savings Time incorrectly when it comes to the sambaPwdLastSet attribute, populating it with a value that does not take DST into account. As an example, consider the following attributes from one of the entries in my directory:
pwdChangedTime: 20110502160329Z sambaPwdLastSet: 1304352209
Obviously, pwdChangedTime specifies the timestamp:
Mon May 2 16:03:29 EDT 2011
On the other hand, sambaPwdLastSet specifies the timestamp as being an hour later, as calculated with the 'date' command (date -d'1970-01-01 1304352209 sec'):
Mon May 2 17:03:29 EDT 2011
Right now we're in DST on the east coast, which is GMT -0400. This would mean that pwdChangedTime is correct, but sambaPwdLastSet is still incorrectly calculating results using GMT -0500.