--- Comment #5 from Howard Chu <hyc(a)> ---
Most of this bug appears to be obsolete.
(In reply to Hallvard Furuseth from comment #0)
> Full_Name: Hallvard B Furuseth
> Version: master, d861910f55cb1beb5e443caa7e961ed760074352
> OS: Linux x86_64
> URL:
> Submission from: (NULL) (
> Submitted by: hallvard
> Aborting an MDB process can break MDB if another MDB process is
> running, because then locks/reader table info are not reset.
Using mdb_stat -rr will purge stale readers. I suppose we could
tweak back-mdb to also do a reader purge if it ever gets a MDB_READERS_FULL
error from mdb_txn_begin.
> The problems below go away when the last slap process terminates
> so the lockfile can be reset. Sometimes kill -KILL is needed.
> ==== lock.conf ====
> include servers/slapd/schema/core.schema
> database mdb
> suffix o=hi
> directory lock.dir
> (A) If a process holding a shared mutex dies, other processes' ops
> on the mutex can hang/fail:
Robust mutex support was added in a2ac10107e2fb845c4a38a339239063ec4407d84 in
> rm -rf lock.dir; mkdir lock.dir
> servers/slapd/slapd -f lock.conf -h ldapi://ldapi -d0 &
> MDB_KILL_R=true servers/slapd/slapd -Tcat -f lock.conf
> ldapsearch -xLLH ldapi://ldapi -b o=hi l=x 1.1
> ^C (kills ldapsearch which is waiting for results)
> kill %% (fails to kill slapd)
> kill -KILL %%
> The Posix fix, robust mutexes, is outlined below. With _WIN32,
> check return code WAIT_ABANDONED. __APPLE__ Posix semaphores:
> Don't know. SysV semaphores have SEM_UNDO to cancel the process'
> effect if the process dies, but the peers do not seem to be
> informed that this happened.
> if ((rc = pthread_mutexattr_init( &mattr )) ||
> (rc = pthread_mutexattr_setpshared(&mattr, PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED)) ||
> (rc = pthread_mutexattr_setrobust( &mattr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ROBUST )) ||
> (rc = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &mattr )))
> return rc;
> ...
> switch (pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex)) {
> case 0:
> break;
> Repair the possibly half-updated data protected by <mutex>;
> if (successful repair) {
> pthread_mutex_consistent(&mutex);
> break;
> }
> /* With Posix mutexes, make future use of <mutex> return failure: */
> pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
> /* FALLTHRU */
> default:
> return MDB_PANIC;
> }
> ...
> pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex);
> BTW, the above also happens with MDB_KILL_W=true slapcat followed
> by ldapadd, dunno why slapcat uses a txn without MDB_TXN_RDONLY.
slapcat already opens the env RDONLY. In
3e47e825fd61e1bff001c01f40d70263c89ffabd in 2012 was patched to also create
the txn RDONLY.
> In this case, raise(SIGINT) is sufficient. With MDB_KILL_R, that
> does not kill slapd and we need SIGKILL - it catches SIGINT I
> guess. Don't know if that difference is intentional.
> (B1) Repeated kill -KILL slap<tool> while slapd is running can use
> up the reader table since it does not clear its table slots,
> making the db unusable.
> (B2) slapcat report no error after it fails to read the db due to
> full reader table, it exits with success status.
Unable to reproduce, dunno when this was fixed but it returns
an error code now.
> (B3) After one "kill -KILL slap<tool>" while slapd is running, I
> imagine the stale slot which does not go away can prevent freelist
> reuse so the db grows quickly. But I have not seen that.
Depends on timing I suppose; it's possible that there was no
active read txn at the moment, in which case the stale reader slot
has no effect on page reuse.
> bash$ rm -rf lock.dir; mkdir lock.dir
> bash$ servers/slapd/slapd -f lock.conf -h ldapi://ldapi -d0 &
> bash$ for (( i=0; i<130; i++)) {
> MDB_KILL_UR=true servers/slapd/slapd -Tcat -f lock.conf
> } > /dev/null
> bash$ servers/slapd/slapd -Tcat -f lock.conf -d-1 2>cat.out
> (success result, no output, no errors in the log)
> bash$ ldapsearch -xLLH ldapi://ldapi -b o=hi l=x 1.1
> version: 1
> [R..RLOCKED..R1] Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (80)
> Additional information: internal error
> bash$
> Maybe it's easier to have a per-process reader table after all,
> and a shared table with just the oldest txn per process.
> Or, each transaction chould have an exclusive file region lock.
> A writer could try to grab the oldest txn's region lock if that
> belongs to another process, and clear the txn it if successful.
> A reader, before giving up, would just search for another pid's
> txn whose lock it can grab.
The current code uses an fcntl lock to detect process liveness.
> Except since the system reuses pids, the ID would either have to
> be more exclusive (e.g. pid + mdb_env_open() time) or mdb_env_open
> must clear away reader table entries with its own pid.
> Speaking of which, I don't see the use of the repeated getpid()
> calls. Should be enough to store the pid in the MDB_env. fcntl
> record locks do not survive fork(), so an MDB_env doesn't either.
> And the thread ID is unsed, and must be reset with memset, not
> 'mr_tid = 0' since pthread_t can be a struct.
The above is no longer true.
> (C) Mentioned earlier: Startup can fail due to a race condition,
> when another process starts MDB at the same time and then aborts:
> - Process 1 starts MDB, gets write lock in mdb_env_setup_locks().
> - Process 2 starts MDB, awaits read lock since write lock is taken.
> - Process 1 dies.
> - Process 2 gets the read lock and proceeds, but with an uninitialized
> lockfile since it expects that process 1 initialized it.
Probably still true, but already doc'd in Caveats.
> Fix: An extra exclusive lock around the current lock setup code.
> kill slapd process, if any
> rm -rf lock.dir; mkdir lock.dir
> MDB_RACE=true servers/slapd/slapd -Tcat -f lock.conf & sleep 1; \
> servers/slapd/slapd -Tcat -f lock.conf
> In addition, the above dumps core in mdb_env_close:
> for (i=0; i<env->me_txns->mti_numreaders; i++)
> where env->me_txns == (MDB_txninfo *) 0xffffffffffffffff.
> (D) And of course ^Z when holding a mutex can block other processes'
> threads, but I suppose BDB has the same problem.
> DB_SUSPEND=true servers/slapd/slapd -Tadd -f lock.conf < /dev/null
> servers/slapd/slapd -Tadd -f lock.conf < /dev/null
> (hanging...) ^C
> kill %%
> The fix I can see for now is "don't do that" in the doc. MDB
> could in addition use pthread_mutex_timedlock() so slapd at least
> can keep running and can be killed without kill -KILL. Final fix
> = a lock-free library, when a useful portable one emerges.
At this point the only potential action I see is to add a check for
MDB_READERS_FULL as noted at the beginning of this reply.
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