It's building a custom LDAPDN object from an internal data structure to
be used with ldap_dn2str(). The use-case for such flag/pointer ownership
for others may be limited as I suspect not so many build their own
LDAPDN objects from scratch.
On 2018-11-30 16:11, Howard Chu wrote:
> Erik Lax wrote:
>> In our case the pointer/allocated string ownership is preferable moved to the LDAPAVA object for both the value and attribute as the char* does not have the
>> same lifetime as the LDAPAVA object.
> Then your app is almost certainly mis-designed. The set of attributeTypes in a schema is always finite
> and usually small; alloc'ing and free'ing the same strings over and over is foolish.
> Out of curiosity, what is your software actually trying to do?
>> Regards
>> Erik
>> On 2018-11-30 14:51, Howard Chu wrote:
>>> erik(a) wrote:
>>>> Full_Name: Erik Lax
>>>> Version: 2.4.46
>>>> OS: Linux
>>>> URL:
>>>> Submission from: (NULL) (
>>>> Hi,
>>>> It's possible to set the flag LDAP_AVA_FREE_VALUE to clear ber values on the
>>>> LDAPAVA structure in ldapava_free() but it's not possible to set the
>>>> LDAP_AVA_FREE_ATTR to clear attributes. I suspect OpenLDAP internals does not
>>>> need to free attributes in this way (hence the missing code).
>>> Attribute Types are usually constant strings, so right, there should be no need to free them.
>>>> I'm building a custom LDAPAVA (LDAPDN) object and it would be useful to be able
>>>> to set this flags to have it properly clean up both values and attributes in
>>>> ldap_dnfree().
>>> It would be better to simply avoid the need to free them.