On 10 Apr 2009, at 02:02, Howard Chu wrote:
> Nothing obvious is jumping out here. Can you run a few of these
> slapds with libefence or valgrind?
I'll see what I can do.
>> (gdb) p q1->first
>> $3 = (Filter *) 0xb1f0d4c0
>> (gdb) p q2->first
>> Cannot access memory at address 0x83e58959
> print *q1
> up
> print *root
(gdb) p *q1
$1 = {filter = 0xa, first = 0xb1f0d4c0, qbase = 0x825d7d0, scope = 0,
q_uuid = {bv_len = 2985341416, bv_val = 0x1d <Address 0x1d out of
q_sizelimit = 2147483647, qtemp = 0xb1f0d4c0, expiry_time = 136697880,
next = 0xb1f10cd8, prev = 0xb1f031e0, lru_up = 0x1d, lru_down =
rwlock = {__data = {__lock = 1852386930, __nr_readers = 1684352614,
__readers_wakeup = 778264878, __writer_wakeup = 27509,
__nr_readers_queued = 21, __nr_writers_queued = 2985295944,
__flags = 72 'H', __shared = 0 '\0', __pad1 = 240 '?', __pad2 =
177 '?',
__writer = 0},
__size = "r.inf.ed.ac.uk\000\000\025\000\000\000H\000?H\000?
\000\000\000", __align = 1852386930}}
(gdb) up
#1 0x08199b6d in tavl_delete (root=0x825d7d0, data=0xb1f0e900,
fcmp=0x81764d8 <pcache_query_cmp>) at tavl.c:202
202 side = fcmp( data, p->avl_data );
(gdb) p *root
$2 = (Avlnode *) 0x81d8ac4
(gdb) p **root
$3 = {avl_data = 0x83e58955, avl_link = {0x7d8318ec, 0x24750008},
avl_bits = "?D", avl_bf = 36 '$'}
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