Hi all
I am using cpan Net::LDAP module to access LDAP entries. I want to
search LDAP entries using Net::LDAP search method. When I do search, I
want some limited number of entries from search result, for
this(searching) process I am using Net::LDAP::Control::VLV module. But
I get error on VLV response control. Please, any one have idea about
this error.
Error:* Died at vlv.pl line 50,
This is my example. I changed the font style of line 50
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use Net::LDAP;
use …
[View More]Net::LDAP::Control::VLV;
use Net::LDAP::Control::Sort;
sub procentry {
my ( $mesg, $entry) = @_;
# Return if there is no entry to process
if ( !defined($entry) ) {
print "dn: " . $entry->dn() . "\n";
@attrs = $entry->attributes();
foreach $attr (@attrs) {
#printf("\t%s: %s\n", $attr, $entry->get_value($attr));
$attrvalue = $entry->get_value($attr,asref=>1);
#print $attr.":". $entry->get_value($attr)."\n";
foreach $value(@$attrvalue) {
print "$attr: $value\n";
print "\n";
$ldap = Net::LDAP->new( "localhost" );
# Get the first 20 entries
$vlv = Net::LDAP::Control::VLV->new(
before => 0, # No entries from before target entry
after => 19, # 19 entries after target entry
content => 0, # List size unknown
offset => 1, # Target entry is the first
my $sort = Net::LDAP::Control::Sort->new( order => 'cn' );
@args = ( base => "dc=example,dc=co,dc=in",
scope => "subtree",
filter => "(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)",
callback => \&procentry, # Call this sub for each entry
control => [ $sort, $vlv ],
$mesg = $ldap->search( @args );
# Get VLV response control
*($resp) = $mesg->control( LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE ) or die;*
$vlv->response( $resp );
# Set the control to get the last 20 entries
$mesg = $ldap->search( @args );
# Get VLV response control
($resp) = $mesg->control( LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE ) or die;
$vlv->response( $resp );
# Now get the previous page
$vlv->scroll_page( -1 );
$mesg = $ldap->search( @args );
# Get VLV response control
($resp) = $mes
# Now page with first entry starting with "B" in the middle
$vlv->before(9); # Change page to show 9 before
$vlv->after(10); # Change page to show 10 after
$vlv->assert("B"); # assert "B"
$mesg = $ldap->search( @args );g->control( LDAP_CONTROL_VLVRESPONSE ) or
$vlv->response( $resp );
Venish Khant
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Some time ago I created the dynalogin ( http://www.dynalogin.org )
solution for two-factor authentication.
I'm just contemplating how to make it easier to integrate, and making it
convenient to use with OpenLDAP seems like a good strategy: can anyone
comment on that?
The initial thoughts that I have about the subject:
- SASL based solution (dynalogin has digest capability already, so it
could be adapted for SASL PLAIN or DIGEST-MD5)
- should not prevent password logins (user should be able …
[View More]to use either
password or HOTP code)
- should enable people to use it indirectly (e.g. if someone already has
pam_ldap working, they should be able to add dynalogin to their OpenLDAP
server and get immediate benefit)
- use cases: UNIX login, high-security webmail login, VPN and OpenID
provider backed by OpenLDAP
I know that SASL already supports OTP, but that is not HOTP, it is OPIE
(or S/Key) RFC 2289:
whereas HOTP is RFC 4226:
HOTP is considered more secure and more widely implemented.
[View Less]
I have a working configuration with pass-through auth to an AD domain
using saslauthd.
However now there is a requirement to be able to handle another domain
too, and I cannot work out how to do this. It seems that saslauthd
cannot deal with multiple Kerberos realms, no matter what hoops one
jumps through it eventually boils down to only using whatever
'default_realm' is set to in the krb5.conf file.
Using multiple saslauthd daemons isn't possible either as there's no way
(that I can …
[View More]work out) of getting OpenLDAP to use anything other than the
single socket specified in /etc/sasl2/slapd.conf.
My final idea was to run an LDAP instance per realm, each talking to the
separate saslauthd daemons, and have another outward facing LDAP service
with these as the backends but that's a non starter too because there's
no way of specifying the sasl slapd.conf file, it seems sasl always
looks in /etc/sasl2 for a file derived from the process name (a chroot
environment for each LDAP server is therefore the next thing to look at).
But this seems like a lot of work just to be able to authenticate users
against multiple domains. I appreciate this is a SASL issue rather than
a problem with OpenLDAP, but I'm hoping that someone here has cracked
this already. Googling hasn't thrown up an solution that I can find.
Liam Gretton liam.gretton(a)le.ac.uk
HPC Architect http://www.le.ac.uk/its
IT Services Tel: +44 (0)116 2522254
University of Leicester, University Road
Leicestershire LE1 7RH, United Kingdom
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Hi... guys
i have a LDAP server and its has a group called .
cn=internal ou=group,dc=example,dc=com
--users of this group is :
i need to only to authenticate the users under cn=internal ....
LDAP search for the cn=internal group as follows ,
dn: cn=internal,ou=group,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: top
cn: internal
member: uid=user1,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=user2,ou=user,dc=…
[View More]example,dc=com
member: uid=user3,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com
member: uid=user4,ou=user,dc=example,dc=com
by the way All the users are stored at base OU=user,DC=example,DC=com
This is what we are using
seems like its not working ..
what the LDAP search filter i need to use to get only the members of the
cn=internal group authenticated...
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I have replication setup .
Full replication of o=company, but user for replication (uid=replica,ou=users,o=company) is limited by ACL.
Master configuration:
access to dn.subtree="ou=users,o=company" attrs=userPassword
by anonymous auth
access to dn.base="o=company"
by dn.exact="uid=replica,ou=users,o=company" read
access to dn.subtree="ou=dev,o=company"
by dn.exact="uid=replica,ou=users,o=company" read
[View More]##########
# BDB database definitions
database hdb
suffix "o=company"
rootdn "cn=ldapadm,o=company"
rootpw password
directory /var/db/openldap-data/o=company
overlay syncprov
Slave configuration:
# BDB database definitions
database hdb
suffix "o=company"
rootdn "cn=ldapadm,o=company"
rootpw password
directory /var/db/openldap-data/o=company
syncrepl rid=001
retry="5 10 300 +"
Replication works.
When i move object in forbidden by ACL subtree, then no information about this modification goes to the replica server
e.g. operation on master server:
dn: ou=groups2,ou=dev,o=company
changetype: moddn
newrdn: ou=groups2
deleteoldrdn: 1
newsuperior: ou=corp,o=company
This object is not deleted and contextCSN is not updated on the replica.
Is it expected behavior or not?
Konstantin Menshikov
[View Less]
given an entry such as:
i'd like the entry to also include an attribute, generated automatically, based on the rdn of the entry and the superior's rdn. for example:
[View More]example.com
where maillocaladdress is the automatically generated attribute.
is this possible? it seems like something an overlay might accommodate, so i thought i might try experimenting with slapo-rwm, but wanted to also ask here in the meantime.
[View Less]
First of: I know it's old, we ARE going to upgrade at the next service
interval in a few weeks!
But in the meantime, is there any way to know/figure out if the master
and it's slave(s) are in
One idea, of using a special object which is written to every x minute
and then checked for consistency
came up... Of course it's not a nice solution, but it is A solution...
The reason for this is that yesterday our secondary LDAP server (the
primary read server) stopped
[View More]returning queries (might be a file lock or open filehandles problem -
exact reason unknown for the
moment). And for some reason, the primary LDAP server (the one we use
for writes, the sync master)
had an old version of the database - we THINK it happened at the last
power failure in that
serverroom. It brought up an old version (bdb problems possibly).
So the failover to the master worked, but it was to old. And i didn't
manage to do a recover on
the failed bdb database. Luckily we had a SECOND replica in another
city (which was in sync with
the changes we did just a few hours earlier), so I did a dump of that
database and loaded the
primary replica (the one that failed/hung/crashed) with that.
But the fact that the replica master and the slaves where out of sync
worries us a little. This will
be fixed correctly with an upgrade, but until then we would like to
have at least _some_ way of
checking the status of the sync...
Any ideas for a quick hack?
... but you know as soon as Oracle starts waving its wallet at a
Company it's time to run - fast.
/illumos mailing list
[View Less]
I'm attempting to get pass-though auth to work against saslauthd and
kerberos and while the problem seems to be in sasl I think it's most
likely to be seen in this type of configuration with opendap which I
why I chose this mailing list.
When I run testsaslauthd it works but when I run ldapsearch it fails.
But the curious thing is where it is failing. in doing straces of
saslauthd and packet traces I've found that when ldapsearch calls
salsauthd, and not when I run saslauthd kerberos does not …
[View More]deliver the
AS-REP packets till just after saslauthd times out.
I can't find any difference in how I'm invoking saslauthd with
testdaslauthd and how ldapsearch is invoking saslauthd. However the
packet traces are quite different as you will see below.
I've seen these kind of errors here and there on google but no
resolutions that I can find.
Centos 6
My slapd.conf contains nothing regarding kerberos / sasl /
pass-through authentication. I'm using a slapd.conf file for the time
being till i get it all worked out and plan on converting it to a
cn=config configuration.
In my DIT the userPassword field contains: {SASL}myuser@MYREALM where
myuser and my realm are replaced with the proper values.
mech_list: plain
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
Which builds a daemon command line of:
/usr/sbin/saslauthd -m /var/run/saslauthd -a kerberos5
My system keytab is:
/etc/krb5.keytab (root.ldap 0640)
My socket parent dir is:
/var/run/saslauthd (root.ldap 0770)
When I run testsaslauthd I get a packet trace between saslauthd and
kerberos is all UDP and works:
When I run ldapsearch the packet trace between saslauthd and kerberos
is UDP and TCP communication. None of the kerberos replies come back
for 18 seconds, the time it takes saslauthd to time out.
> TCP FIN, ACK <-- saslauthd times out and the AS-REPS all come back at once.
an strace of saslauthd supports this timeout theory as it shows the
the timeouts and backoffs.
I can't find any info regarding saslauthd and TCP or UDP or timeouts
like this. Any ideas?
[View Less]
I am trying to do some quite the same thing :
trying to send failed authentification made on the consumer to the master.
I am using ppolicy overlay.
I added the following to the consumer :
# Referal
updateref ldaps://master.domain.fr
When I add this on the consumer, accounts are not anymore locked on
failed authentification.
pwdFailureTime are not register or sent to the master..
Should I use slapo-chain too ?
On 6 April 2012 18:12, Quanah …
[View More]Gibson-Mount <quanah(a)zimbra.com> wrote:
> --On Friday, April 06, 2012 3:57 PM +0200 Jacques Foucry
> <jacques.foucry(a)novasparks.com> wrote:
>> On 04/04/2012 05:59 PM, anax wrote:
>> Hello,
>>> updateref ldap://ldapmaster.symas.com
>>> http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/replication.html#Replication%20Techn
>>> ology
>> Well after reading the docs, I made some test on a VM.
>> My goal is to allow users to change there password.
>> I have a working replication VM. On this VM I can login with my LDAP
>> password (PAM on this VM is client of the replica).
>> When I try to change the password, using the passwd cmd this error occurs:
> I suggest you look at slapo-chain.
> --Quanah
> --
> Quanah Gibson-Mount
> Sr. Member of Technical Staff
> Zimbra, Inc
> A Division of VMware, Inc.
> --------------------
> Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
[View Less]
At slapd.access we read (about the control keywords):
One useful application is to easily grant write privileges to an
updatedn that is different from the rootdn. In this case, since the
updatedn needs write access to (almost) all data, one can use
access to *
by dn.exact="cn=The Update DN,dc=example,dc=com" write
by * break
as the first access rule. As a consequence, unless the operation is
performed with the updatedn identity, control is passed …
[View More]straight to
the subsequent rules.
I have the following question. If below the above ACL we add another ACL
access to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
by dn.exact="cn=Some Other DN,dc=example,dc=com"
by * none
...doesn't this mean that the second ACL will override the first, so
that "The Update DN" will no longer have access to the whole DIT (as was
intended), since, based on the second ACL, "The Update DN"does not have
access to "ou=people" branch? If this is the case, then the first ACL is
not enough, but care must be taken to avoid any privilege revocation(s)
from "The Update DN", by following ACLs.
Or the existence of the former rule means that access has been
*definitively decided* for "The Update DN" (i.e. "by" clause match(es)
in the first ACL) and any subsequent access statements (later ACLs) can
affect *ONLY* other users (i.e. whatever "by" clause matches, *except*
"The Update DN")?? This is what I understand from the statement "As a
consequence, unless the operation is performed with the updatedn
identity, control is passed straight to the subsequent rules."
Can you please clarify which is the case?
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